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The School of Haraka (TSOH) provides dance and movement training for girls ages 2-18 taught by our distinguished faculty. We teach technique in a variety of styles as well as improvisation to instill in our students both discipline, creativity, and passion. 

What Do We Offer?

At The School of Haraka we offer dance training in a variety of styles including Ballet, Contemporary and Modern Dance, Jazz, Tap, and Creative Movement Improvisation. Students will learn strength and discipline through our technique classes as well as freedom and expression through learning choreography and opportunities to perform. 


At TSOH our ballet curriculum comes from the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) in London. This allows us to ensure that our dancers receive high-quality training and that their skills are on a level with their global peers. As part of this program our students have the opportunity to be evaluated each year on their progression through the RAD syllabus and the development of their skills. 


In order to follow the RAD curriculum we maintain a high standard of training for any students who wish to follow this program. As part of our RAD program students are required to take a certain number of technique classes each week and commit to following the curriculum throughout the school year. 


All our students from age 3 and up have the opportunity to perform in our Annual Student Performance. This allows students to share with their families what they are learning and to explore the joy that comes from live performance. In order to best support our older students our Senior Division has the choice to perform for an audience of only women or a mixed audience of friends and family. Students can also choose not to perform at all and still follow the same program track as their peers. 

Who Can Join?

TSOH offers programs for girls ages 2-18 of all levels. Our youngest students are placed in levels based on their age to encourage them to develop their fine motor skills as well as interpersonal relationships. Starting in the Junior Division students are separated based on level so that our instructors can meet the needs of each student and offer individualised attention. 

Why Train?

Dance offers a wide array of physical health benefits including increased cardiovascular health and stronger muscles. Dancers train for both strength and grace, allowing them to perform impressive leaps and turns all while making each step look effortless. Dance also provides an emotional outlet for stress and helps improve mental faculties like concentration and memory. Training as a dancer means training both the body and the mind. 


At TSOH we also encourage our students to explore their artistic expression through dance. Movement is a form of communication, through choreography and improvisation our students learn how to become movement artists.

When Do Classes Start?


Annual Training Program


TSOH Annual Training Program begins in September and runs through May. During this time students in our RAD curriculum will follow their syllabus and complete their evaluation and TSOH will have its Annual Student Performance.

Winter Dance Intensive



In December TSOH offers a short intensive that is perfect for new students to experience dance classes or returning students to renew their skills. 


Ramadan Movement Program


During the month of Ramadan TSOH offers a special Program that takes into account the schedules and needs of our students while offering them a way to maintain and grow their skills. This program can be taken as part of our Annual Program, but it offers increased flexibility to support our students and their families at this busy time.


Summer Dance Intensive


Our Summer Dance Intensive runs one month at a time from June-July. We recognize that students and their families are busy in the summer, so students can sign up for one, two, or three months depending on their schedule. This is a great time for new students to experience the joys of dance and for returning students to train in a different way than during the school year. During our summer program we focus on different technical and performance elements than during our Academic Year program, so students have the chance to experience something new and exciting while maintaining and building off of their current skill. 

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